Pinched Nerve Doctor or Chiropractor

Pinched Nerve Doctor or Chiropractor

By Dr. Anderson | November 21, 2021

Do you know that a pinched nerve affects about 10 to 40% of the population? Many people have experienced a worrisome tingling sensation after keeping their bodies in one position for a long period. This may be accompanied by radiating pain, a burning feeling, or muscle weakness, all of which are telltale signs of a pinched nerve.

Patients who experience pinched nerve pain know how uncomfortable it can be. If you think you might have a pinched nerve, it shouldn’t be a cause for alarm as it can be treated effectively -as long as you do not ignore it because ignoring a pinched nerve could lead to complications such as intense pain and more severe nerve symptoms.

If you’ve been searching for effective routes to relieve pinched nerves, well, you’ve come to the right place! But first, it is essential to look at what a pinched nerve is, what causes it, and the common symptoms that accompany it.


A pinched nerve is a term that describes a nerve compression usually caused by obstruction by the vertebrae. Nerves are cord-like bundles that transmit impulses from one point to another. They pass through the spinal cord, and this is when a bone in the spine can press on it, causing it to be pinched. 

To put this into perspective, imagine the discomfort you would feel when you slip your finger through a very tight wedding band/ring. Uncomfortable, right? That is similar to what a pinched nerve feels.


There are so many things that can result in a pinched nerve. You must know these factors because an effective treatment plan mainly depends on knowing the root cause. Some of them are:

  1. Carpal tunnel syndrome: This is when pressure on the median nerve leads to numbness or weakness in the hand.
  2. Poor posture: Sitting or standing improperly can damage your spine, thereby causing compression of the nerve.
  3. Nerve damage: When a nerve swells due to damage it is likely to lead to a pinched nerve.
  4. Blunt force: Trauma such as accidents can result in pinched nerves.
  5. Spine misalignment: Misalignment of the spine vertebrae could cause the nerve at that point to be compressed.
  6. Herniated disc: A herniated disc is a condition caused when the middle part of the spinal disc pushes out to the outer part. When the outer part of the spine disc begins to get worn out, the inner portion will then push out and cause the spinal nerve to be compressed.


Pinched nerves come with certain signs and symptoms that can be identified to help detect and diagnose them effectively. Before you go around drowning in worry, read this list to check if you can identify any of these signs.

These are what will be looked out for before concluding that you have a pinched nerve. These symptoms are:

  • Muscle weakness can be felt in the limbs or other parts of the body.
  • Numbness (nerves are what gives us the ability to feel, and once you have a compressed nerve or a damaged one, it can result in a feeling of numbness).
  • Burning sensation in some parts of the body, usually the neck, back, and shoulders.


It is very common to consider self-medication as a treatment option for a pinched nerve, but it isn’t always the best. Especially for those experiencing severe symptoms because lack of proper care can worsen the problem while leading to more severe symptoms, and nobody wants that. So, keep reading to find out the kind of doctors that treat a pinched nerve.

Physiatrists are one specialty of doctors that can treat a pinched nerve. They also treat other pains that originate from bone, muscle, and concussions. Neurologists treat conditions of the nervous system i.e., the brain and the spinal cord. Many other health care professionals can treat a pinched or compressed nerve. However, in this article, we’ll focus on chiropractors and how they can help provide treatment for your pinched nerve.


Chiropractors are health care professionals that handle pain originating from all forms of injuries and diseases without the prescription of medicines. They work by decreasing the pressure on the pinched nerve mainly by using a traction machine, spinal manipulation, and even massage therapy. A chiropractor with great expertise can relieve pain and the discomfort that usually comes with a pinched nerve.


At this point, you might be wondering if you should go to a general doctor or a chiropractor to get treatment for a pinched nerve. Many people might be hesitant to book an appointment with a chiropractor because they are not familiar with the procedures that a chiropractor might use. Nevertheless, more people have chosen to embrace alternative health medicine because of its effectiveness and non-invasive procedures.


Massage therapy and chiropractic care are similar but not the same thing. Massage therapy concentrates on the soft tissues of the body, such as muscles, while chiropractic care involves spinal manipulation to align it and improve mobility thereby, serving as a relief from pain. During chiropractic treatments, the chiropractor manipulates the lower back to improve the range of movements.

Chiropractic care is very safe and effective for patients. Massage therapy has been used for a very long time to ease pain and bring relief. It is employed as one of the effective treatment options by physiotherapists and chiropractors. Several types, ranging from deep tissue massage to shiatsu, all of which have specific healing effects for different types of pain. Depending on the cause of the pinched nerve, the chiropractor will decide if either massage or chiropractic will be effective for pain relief.


There you have it! A pinched nerve is not a death sentence. Mild cases will usually stop after a while, but even if you are experiencing more intense symptoms, such as loss of nerve feeling or chronic pain, it can still be treated with the appropriate medical procedures and experts. Chiropractors are trained professionals that can help cause relief and alleviate nerve pain caused by pinched nerves.


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I’m Dr. Anderson — thanks for reading!

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