How Long Should I Go to a Chiropractor After a Car Accident: Top 4 Myths Debunked

How Long Should I Go to a Chiropractor After a Car Accident: Top 4 Myths Debunked

By Dr. Anderson | November 21, 2021

Have you been in a car accident? Did you see a doctor and/or chiropractor after a car accident? Are you wondering to yourself “how long should I see my chiropractor after my crash”? Did you not seek care and are you asking yourself now if you should have sought chiropractic care after a car accident?

Car accidents are serious events that occur far too often in the current day and age. After an accident, you may receive immediate medical attention. Or you may “feel fine” and not seek attention at all (not a good idea – we will explain more later). However, going to see a chiropractor is a practice anyone should follow after a car accident – millions of patients have been experiencing the benefits for decades. To help you better understand why in this blog we are dispelling the top 5 myths about car accidents and laying out the timing of when to see a chiropractor.


Some people may not see the benefit of chiropractic care or the benefits of regularly seeing a chiropractor – you’ve probably heard this opinion from family, friends, or an article. We see the incredible health benefits to be had from chiropractic care and wholeheartedly disagree!

While chiropractors do not offer the same type of treatment you may receive from a doctor at a hospital (and it is important to not interchange the two – a chiropractor cannot replace treatment from a doctor), chiropractic care is a great way to receive non-invasive treatments that will greatly benefit your recovery and overall health. Many accident victims have used chiropractic care, with much success, to gain back full functionality in the body and treat accident injuries.

A chiropractor will work with you to develop a treatment plan, including how often to plan your visits and what types of adjustments to use, to help you fully heal and treat not only your symptoms but the injury itself. The care you will receive at a chiropractic office will provide a long-term and beneficial treatment plan to help you feel good for the rest of your life. So yes: we think you should go to a chiropractor after a car crash. The benefits are immeasurable.

1. I Can Wait A Few Weeks To Go To A Chiropractor After A Car Crash

If you were recently in a car crash and are feeling the after-effects (anything from severe pain in the spine to joint pain to a small headache): there is no need to wait to visit a chiropractor and start receiving treatment. Waiting weeks or months could result in your body compensating for any accident injuries incurred, potentially resulting in even more injuries and symptoms.

If you go back to your day-to-day life after an auto accident (sitting in a chair at work all day, working out, lifting heavy objects, etc.), your condition could severely worsen, resulting in worse pain throughout your body. You may not notice it at first, but your body will be compensating for these activities by putting strain on other (currently healthy) parts of the body. This excess strain will result in more, different injuries. This will require even more intensive treatment later on.

Once you have received proper immediate treatment (such as from a doctor), there is no need to wait to see a chiropractor. Your injuries will get worse if you do nothing for them, and receiving chiropractic diagnosis and treatment soon after the accident is the best course of action for your body.

2. I Need To Go See A Chiropractor Immediately

On the flip side of saying you should not put off going to the chiropractor after an accident, you should not seek chiropractic care immediately after an accident either. You should always first seek medical treatment and diagnosis right away after a car accident by visiting either a hospital or an urgent care (after you first call the police, of course).

A car accident injury needs immediate medical attention, regardless of the perceived severity. Any accident, regardless of the perceived severity, can result in serious injuries and pain. After medical treatment, you may work with your nurses or doctor to develop a treatment plan, including chiropractic care. If it seems to be a good option for your circumstances and injury (and in agreement with your doctor), go ahead and call to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor to start receiving care.

3. Going Once A Week Is More Than Enough

Every accident is different, every person will heal differently, every recovery timeline is different, and every chiropractic treatment plan will look different. You may be able to fully recover by planning visits once per week for adjustments – others may need to go several times per week for multiple adjustments and other intensive care treatments offered (such as electrical muscle stimulation, laser therapy, general lifestyle education, and tips, and more).

You will want to work with your chiropractor to develop your own personalized chiropractic treatment plan to get an idea of how often to go. Your first initial visit will likely be a sort of consultation, where you will receive an initial diagnosis/treatment and decide, with your chiropractor, how often you should plan your visits.

Note: make sure to bring any relevant x rays, insurance information, and information on the medical care you received after the accident that your chiropractor may need for your initial visit.

4. I Don’t Need To Go For A Small Car Accident

Any car accident, regardless of how “minor” it may have seemed, requires medical treatment and potentially chiropractic treatment. A small car accident can still result in injuries to the body, especially to the spine. Any injury is an injury nonetheless and any pain is bad pain, so even if you experience “common” injuries (such as neck pain or back pain) you should always see a doctor then subsequently visit the chiropractor.

Again, everyone’s road to recovery will look different. Follow the same timeline we’ve laid out about when to see a chiropractor after an accident, regardless of how minor the accident or injuries may seem or feel.


What symptoms can be helped? Short answer: Almost any.

Receiving treatment from a chiropractor will help alleviate many symptoms from injuries. For example, if you have whiplash from an accident, adjustments from a chiropractor can quickly help alleviate and heal the pain (and occasional nausea, dizziness, etc.) from whiplash.

Many people associate chiropractors with the spine – though this isn’t the only body part chiropractors can work on, many patients can and will receive treatment for injury to the spine.

Accident victims and patients have received chiropractic treatment for countless other injuries, such as crooks in the neck, general muscle pain, pinched nerves in the spine (thus affecting the nervous system), common “stuck” body parts, and many other symptoms. Each individual chiropractor may offer a variety of services.


Short answer: It depends.

Again, a common question you may be asking yourself is “how long should I see a chiropractor?” This answer is different for everyone and will require consultation with your chiropractor. If you have recovered from your injury, are experiencing no more symptoms, and are comfortable ending treatment: you can stop. However, remember it is always important to consult with your chiropractor and/or doctor before doing so.

Some people (and former patients) see chiropractic care as a life-long journey that doesn’t require injury, pain, or a diagnosis to undertake, meaning they go consistently for their entire life. Doing so can improve posture, keep you in sharp, tip-top shape, and more.


Short answer: No.

There really is no such thing as “too much” chiropractic care or “too many” visits.

You will not harm yourself by going to a chiropractic office every day, but a variety of factors will affect whether or not you should. Obviously, chiropractors are all different and will schedule you/suggest care plans differently. In addition, your insurance, overall health, how quickly you heal, how you feel overall, symptoms, and more will influence how often you visit.


Car accidents are scary, and the journey to treat your injuries can sometimes be even scarier. Visiting a chiropractor to receive treatment is an option everyone should explore after an accident: it’s an effective and non-intrusive way to treat pain and issues in the body, from chronic injuries of the spine to a simple headache. If you are in this position and are wondering “how long should I see a chiropractor?”, follow our guidelines, but more importantly work with your chiropractor to make a plan for your treatment and care.

Which one of these myths surprised you the most? Be sure to leave a comment telling us, and follow our blog for more chiropractic tips and information.

In short: go to a chiropractor after a car accident.


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I’m Dr. Anderson — thanks for reading!

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