Car Accident Chiropractor

Car Accident Chiropractor

By Dr. Anderson | November 21, 2021

A car accident can be very scary. If you have been involved in one, or you know someone who has, you might have many questions on your mind. You might even wonder if there is anything you can do to avoid more injury as time goes on. 

Don’t worry, because right here, we’ll be answering all the questions you may have. If you’re wondering about the reasons why you need to see a chiropractor or who pays for the chiropractic care, read on, but first, who is a car accident chiropractor?


Did you read the title of this article and think, “I know who a chiropractor is, but who on earth is a car accident chiropractor?”

A car accident chiropractor is a health care practitioner that provides care for someone who has been involved in a car accident. Just like all chiropractors, they focus on manual manipulation of the spine to bring relief.

Mostly, they start by diagnosing the pain by checking the medical history and conducting a physical examination on the patient. They have experience working with patients that were involved in car accidents.


Going to see a chiropractor after a car accident would do you a lot of good. You might think simply taking drugs will be enough, but medication can be very addictive. Chiropractors play a major role in speeding up the recovery process. 

Chiropractic care is very safe, so it’s one less thing you have to worry about. The treatments that the chiropractor will offer are quite effective. It will most likely provide long-lasting relief from any pain you may be experiencing. The best part is that your treatment plan will be tailored according to the personal injury that is being treated.


Once you have decided to receive chiropractic care after a car accident, the next step is to know how long you can expect to see them.

First off, immediately after an accident injury, you may be taken to the emergency room. Even if you don’t seem to experience serious symptoms, it is advised that you don’t wait longer than 72 hours to see a chiropractor. You don’t want the accident to result in permanent or chronic pain. Chiropractors will identify any invincible problems and start treating the root cause. 

They will also prepare a treatment plan depending on how serious the symptoms are.

How often you visit the chiropractor will depend on the type of accident injury. Less severe injuries only need a few visits, while severe injuries require a lot more visits. This might be as much as five times a week, while injuries like sore muscles might only need a couple of visits.


Payment for chiropractic treatment can go two ways. Either the patient pays, or the insurance company covers the costs.

Many insurance companies pay for chiropractic care, which is good news. Most people don’t budget for the cost that comes with car accidents, and that is why insurance companies are very helpful.

The costs of seeing a chiropractor vary depending on the type of treatment needed and the severity of the injuries sustained. You simply need to make sure that your insurance claim covers chiropractic care. Some insurance companies will cover only a part of it, while some cover all.


It can be very helpful to see a chiropractor after a car accident. Some of the major benefits are:

Increased Range Of Motion

A car accident can cause a side effect known as whiplash. When a car comes to a sudden halt, and you’re in the car, there is a tendency for your head to snap forward. This sudden movement can cause you tons of pain in your head, back, and shoulder.

Whiplash can cause your range of motion to be very limited, and you do not want to allow that to happen. A chiropractor will offer care that can increase the body’s range of motion and improve overall healing.

Non-invasive Treatments

If you’re one of the people who are skeptical about surgery, then you’re in luck. Chiropractors do not need to use surgery or any other invasive treatment to aid your healing.

Receiving chiropractic treatment means you won’t need to deal with the disadvantages of surgery, such as longer recovery time and nasty complications.

Reduced Need For Medication

You pop a painkiller in your mouth, and it gets the job done, but an hour later, you’re looking for more pills that can provide relief. Painkillers can be very addictive. They just never seem to be enough. It’s a cycle that doesn’t end. You don’t want to be caught in that cycle.

Chiropractors are a better alternative. They get to the root of the problem so that healing can come from solving the real issue. You won’t need to keep hiding the pain with drugs anymore. Sounds good right? 

Less Inflammation

You can have an auto accident one minute, and the next minute you’re going about your daily activities thinking you have no serious issues. Sadly, most auto accident injuries do not show up on x-rays. You may not even be aware, but ignoring these injuries can lead to increased inflammation.

This is where a chiropractor comes in. They check to see if the spine is misaligned. If they find out that there is a misalignment, they will use some techniques to realign it.

After this, the body will start to release anti-inflammatory chemicals that will reduce any inflammation in the body.

It Reduces Scar Tissue

After an accident, the muscles in your body can get scarred. It is not far off from the kind of scars you have when you get a cut on your skin. Scars in the muscles can cause intense soreness and stiffness. Scars are no good for the muscles. A chiropractor can locate the scars in the muscle and speed up its healing process.

Reduced Pain

The fact that you’re reading this means that you’re probably searching for ways to reduce the pain associated with car accident injuries. Pain can be very distracting, and in extreme cases, it can reduce the quality of life of a person.

When chiropractors realign the spine, it greatly reduces the pain caused by an auto accident and most often brings instant relief as well. This is because spinal realignment causes pain-reducing hormones to be released.

Sustained Relief

Nobody wants to get treated and still experience the same symptoms that were present in the first place. With a chiropractic treatment plan, you won’t have to worry about this. The treatments offered will provide you with long-term relief.

Chiropractic treatments are generally more effective and long-lasting. You’ll experience better overall health when you start seeing a chiropractor.


Nobody ever wishes for car accidents. When they do happen, we must take quick, smart actions that will prevent more damage from happening. Involving a chiropractor in the treatment and healing process is one of the best decisions you can make. There are so many benefits. You don’t want to miss out!


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I’m Dr. Anderson — thanks for reading!

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